Hi, I’m Nina Gough-Cooper.
I’m a qualified and accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and certified Life Breakthrough Coach.
I love to help people transform their lives and break free from negative patterns which may be keeping them stuck - in the past, in fear, in cycles of low mood and anxiety - and not achieving their full potential.
I offer sessions of CBT and life coaching, based on your current life circumstances, and what your need is at this particular time.
My Approach to Psychotherapy and Coaching
With patience and compassion I sit with my client and ask a series of questions to help bring awareness of the details of their current situation, including challenges, strengths and abilities, opportunities and obstacles.
Through a process of conversational discovery, together with them working through guided self-awareness tasks between sessions, we uncover their core beliefs about themself and the narrative they may identify with in their daily life.
I support my client in identifying the areas they would like to see breakthrough and grow in confidence in, and help them to recognise their personal values, and unique strengths and talents.
Depending on whether we are approaching their situation from a coaching or therapy perspective, with my help they will learn to break the cycle of low mood and anxiety, and learn how to prioritise self-care, identify obstacles to change, and find strategies to overcome those obstacles.
I guide them in learning how to work on their thoughts about themselves, the world and others, to change their unhelpful thinking, and find strategies that will direct their steps to achieve their chosen goals. I can also provide accountability to enable success in completing their chosen action steps, if an improvement in productivity or specific action-taking is their aim.
To learn more about my services click below
My “why”
My dream for a long time was to be a person who shows others the steps to freedom, who encourages people to overcome emotional or mental health challenges.
My strengths and skills include communicating, analysing, teaching and encouraging. My desire is to help others overcome the obstacles that are stopping them from fulfilling their potential in life.
Why ‘Grace Fueled Growth’?
‘Grace’ - Kindness or benevolence extended to others - kindness, favour, compassion, understanding
‘Fueled’ - To give a boost or energy to, to promote or nurture the development of - to encourage, enrich, nourish
‘Growth’ - Advancement in one’s personal development - development, flourishing, breakthrough
The concept of grace relates to the compassion and kindness shown by one person to another.
I offer a service whereby kindness, compassion and understanding nurtures personal development and healing, and brings about breakthrough.