Welcome to the start of your journey to wellbeing

I’m Nina Gough-Cooper,

Psychotherapist & Coach.

How can I help?

I will support you to discover where your problems with low mood, anxiety, self-esteem, health or productivity come from, and the ways in which they are holding you back.

We’ll work together to increase your awareness of the development of your difficulties and understand what may be maintaining the problem in the here-and-now. Through a process of dialogue and experimentation, you will gain new insights, increase in confidence, and change your perspective on what you are capable of achieving in life.

I provide an empathic, nurturing and encouraging environment in which you can safely express and explore your personal issues, leading to greater emotional freedom and peace of mind.



Supporting your journey of healing and growth


Does this sound familiar?

“I have to be the strong one”

“I mustn’t say no”

“I can’t ask for help”

“What’s wrong with me?”

Anxiety and overwhelm

Feeling stuck

Low mood and lack of motivation

Embarrassed that you can’t get it together in this one area of your life


I understand that these thoughts and feelings are standing in the way of you living the life you want to be living.

Creating emotional turmoil and pain.

Stopping you from having the relationships you would like to have. 

Keeping you in your comfort zone and not taking action steps to new possibilities. 

Making it impossible to see your potential. 

Causing you to people please and suppress your true feelings.

Preventing you from carrying out positive self-care (emotional, physical and/or spiritual).

Making you feel that you are existing and surviving, rather than thriving.

What would it look like to overcome these struggles?

To improve your mood and overcome anxiety and excessive worry.

To increase in self-esteem and confidence.

To be able to open up and be vulnerable in relationships.

To start investing in yourself and taking the steps to make the life changes you desire.

To be able to identify your passions, values and priorities.

To see yourself through different eyes, to realise you have value and worth, and can and will achieve your goals.

I’ll help you break through the barriers holding you back

What does ‘breakthrough’ mean?

A breakthrough can be a sudden, dramatic and important discovery or development, and can be emotional, mental, physical and/or spiritual

It leads to positive changes in patterns of feelings, thoughts and behaviours